Passion in a bottle. "Petite Mort PARFUM D'UNE FEMME" the first fragrance by MARC ATLAN. Just the first half Petite Mort is French for Little Death (orgasm). "Inspired directly by the only bodily fluid secreted solely through desire and brain chemistry, Petite Mort (Parfum d'une Femme) embodies the elusive substance that is created by a woman when she is about to climax." The fragrance is said to be more of a state of euphoria rather than a scent. "Petite Mort's fragrance exudes an animal carnality with salty hints of sweat and urea."
As a contribution, a select group of Iconic artists, photographers, designers, doctors, architects and writers have expressed their vision of the fragrance through various mediums. Artist including Olivier Zahm, Matthias Vriens-McGrath, Rankin, Christian Ghion , Max Vadukul and many more.
Marc Atlan, the father and mastermind behind the project conspired with Bertrand Duchaufour (in collaboration with Art et Parfum) to reproduce this orgasmic experience into liquid form. The fragrance itself is housed in a glass carafe handcrafted by France's eldest luxury glassmaker Verreries Pochet.
Each unit is stamped and numbered with a limited edition run of only 100 units being produced. Each 10ml bottle of "PETITE MORT" selling for $1000.
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